4 Corner Face Off: Senior Exit Exam

4 Corner Face Off: Senior Exit Exam

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The Up-Front and All-Play combo game where Students participate in up-front challenges, and the crowd votes four corners style on who will win. This grad-themed version adds some fun twists!


Stage games can be fun to highlight students, but often leave the crowd unengaged. It can be hard to find an All Play game where everyone gets to play all the way till the end. 4 Corner Face Off is an up front AND All Play game where everyone is playing right up to the end!

THIS SPECIAL EDITION: This special edition is themed for graduation season in the form of a “senior exit exam.” Each round is tied to a school subject, and anyone who wins for their round will earn class credits that can go toward earning their diploma at 4 Corners Institute.


  • Each round, a school subject will appear, followed by an activity or challenge connected to that subject.
  • Select four participants.
    • Tip: The Slides have four icons (Cap, Diploma, Gown, and Podium) to coincide with corners. There is a .pdf of signs for each corner included in this download you can put in each corner.
  • Have the rest of the crowd vote for who they think will “pass” that test the round by going to that person’s corner.
  • Do that round's activity/challenge. Some rounds will have only one winner. Other rounds may have multiple winners or no winner at all.
  • If a corner wins, the participant and everyone who votes for him/her gets the number of class credits mentioned for that round (normally 10 credits, but there are a few rounds that have “extra credit” to them).
    • Tip: Math is hard. Cheating is annoying. Use the included .pdf containing printable “10 class credit” cards to hand out to people that round.
  • Move on to the next round and repeat the process.
  • At the end of 10 rounds, have participants count their credits. Reveal the credit amount to be considered a graduate, and celebrate!

The download includes printable “class credit” cards to help participants keep track (and keeps them from cheating), as well as a printable diploma from “4 Corner Face Off Institute”

This Resource Includes:

  • Gameplay instructions document (Word file)
  • Complete PowerPoint game file
  • Individual (10 rounds + instructions) game slides (jpeg files)
  • Printable sign for each corner (pdf file)
  • Printable class credit signs (jpeg or pdf file)
  • Printable diploma (pdf file)
  • Title slide (jpeg file)

Derry Prenkert